Neema's Pets most frequently asked questions and their answers!

Order & Shipping

Q - How long will it take to receive my order?
A - Typically it takes 3-5 business days to receive your order. We’re doing our best to deliver it promptly for you.

Q - How to track my order?
A - Please track your order at our Tracking page.

Q - Do you ship internationally?
A - 
Yes, we do ship internationally. The shipping fee may vary depending on your location. For more information visit our Shipping Policy.

Q - I never got my order, what to do?
A - Please make sure you tracked your order from our Tracking page. If no information available you can email us at support@neemaspets.com.


Exchange & Return

Q - What is your return policy?
A - Please check our return/refund/exchange policy here.

Q - Can I exchange/return an item?
A - 
You can exchange an item with a higher-price or the same item but a different size. Of course you can also return. For our detailed Return Policy click here.



Q - What information is needed at checkout?
A - Our checkout is easy, fast, and secure. Enter your shipping address and choose your preferred payment method, then place your order!

Q - How can I use my promotion code?
A - Applying a promotion code is simple! At Checkout, simply type the code into the box that says “Promo Code.” Then, click the button that says “Apply.” All promotion codes can only be used once.

Q - Which payment options do I have?
A - We accept: American Express,Apple Pay, Bancontact, Google Pay, iDEAL, Maestro, Mastercard, Shop Pay, PayPal, UnionPay, Visa

Q - Do you accept cash on delivery?
A - Unfortunately, no we don't accept cash on delivery at this point. You can place your order on our website directly, after payment we will ship as soon as possible!



Q - Do you have a customer support team?
A - Yes we do! We are here to help. Please leave a message via 'Contact Us' and we will respond as soon as possible. The average respond time is within 24 hours.

Q - What is your Privacy Policy?
A - Your privacy is very important to us. Read our Privacy Policy for more details.